A New Home For Ocean Geophysics

Today is an exciting day in the world of Ocean Geophysics. 

The last 15 months have been nothing short of a sensationally awesome yet bewilderingly wild ride! 

Four of us started Ocean in Rob’s back garden… it was a different company back then; however, we very quickly realised that if we were going to make it work, the back garden wouldn’t cut it! 

Fast forward 15 months, three outgrown offices, a strategic move to Thailand and 60 team members, and we finally have the keys to Ocean’s new home. 

We’re confident it should keep us all together and in one place for a while. When we are done with it, aside from being an office with all the bells and whistles, it will also have an in-house gym for our fitness freaks, a recording studio for all our musicians, indoor badminton and a basketball court and because we thought it would be a bit different, a bouldering wall. 

Growing up, the phrase “Work Hard, Play Hard” was drummed into my head. It’s something that has subconsciously driven every decision I have made. It’s been passed on to the team at Ocean. We work very hard and will soon have the facilities to play very hard, too! 

#newoffice #workwithus #geophysics #excitingtimes #oceangeophysics


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